The purposes of the UAMS Academic Senate are:
- To provide an organization that will permit a broad base for campus governance
- To generate and promote understanding, collaboration, and a sense of community
- To provide a representative forum for the communication and exchange of ideas.
For more details, see the Academic Senate Constitution
Academic Senate Events
- Full Faculty Senate Meeting Monday, April 22, 2024, 3:00 – 4:30 PM, Rahn G219 and via Teams (Agenda), (Flyer), (Teams Link), (Slides), (Teams Recording), (Minutes), Draft of the 2024 Faculty Handbook (Doc) (pdf)
Other Seminars, Meetings and Events
- UAMS monthly calendar of events, Research Calendar
- Department seminars: Physiology and Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Microbiology and Immunology, Translational Research Institute, Cancer Institute
- UAMS Chancellor Videos (needs VPN), University of Arkansas Board of Trustees meetings
Academic Senate Officers

Ronald C. Sanders Jr.
Website: UAMS Health Provider Profile

Christopher S. Walter
President Elect
Website: Research Profile

Tiffany W. Huitt
Past President
Website: Research Profile

Clare Brown
Website: Department Profile

Summer Khairi
Website: Department Profile

Nukhet Aykin-burns
Website: Research Profile

Elizabeth Riley
Website: Department Profile

Mara Wood
Website: Research Profile