The Academic Senate is composed of:
- Two faculty elected from each college
- For colleges with 100 or more full time faculty, three faculty elected from each college
- Two faculty elected from Academic Affairs
- Three faculty elected from faculty at large,
- Elected officers of the Academic Senate,
- An elected representative member of the Associated Student
- Professors emeriti, members of the Chancellor’s Cabinet, adjunct professors and visiting professors, lecturers, and volunteer faculty members shall have voice, but can not serve as elected members of the senate.
- Faculty representatives may be immediately re-elected for a second term. At the end of two consecutive full terms, a representative shall wait at least one year before becoming eligible for election again to the Academic Senate.
Duties of the Campus Assembly: Article One
- Develop guidelines and regulations for
- campus affairs,
- quality of campus life,
- enhance environment of academic excellence.
- Promote Understanding, collaboration, community
- Provide a representative Forum and recommendations to the Chancellor and President
Specific Duties of the Senate: Article Four
- The Academic Senate shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Provost on any matter of faculty affairs or campus-wide concern, including such matters as research facilitation, education, faculty appointment, promotion, tenure, dismissal, and non-reappointment as well as safety, security, salary and compensation, fringe benefits, work schedules, work conditions, job evaluations, grievances, and appeals and broad academic policies and programs at UAMS.
Duties of the Senate
- Not the primary body within Colleges which retain rights on curricula, programs and requirements
- Is for Intercollege and Intercampus programs
- Guarantee the purpose of Article I
- Additional direction from the Chancellor
- Tasking the elected Senate Representatives from each College to be the primary conduit of information to and from Faculty and Administration.